Thursday 30 December 2010

Flash Assignment Progress #5 - Conclusion

I didn't post up what happened with my assignment. Deadline passed quite a few weeks ago.

I did finish the program. I had a few more things I wanted to put in for interactivity and such but on the day of the deadline, every button in the program broke.

The final product did not come out how I had intended at all. The assignment was about interactive experiences yet I believe my program does not fufil that requirement. Sure, there are buttons for navigation and such but interactivity is alot more than that. I wanted controls for searching, zooming, etc and the inclusion of icons. I wanted each button on the "tree" to ask a question about each person before closing the sub menus. I achieved none of those.

I had to change the complete structure of the site in order for it to be functional, meaning I missed the deadline by a crapload of hours. Instead of each button navigating to a new sub movieclip, I had to make each page a seperate SWF and have it load on the main or "index" swf. It meant a crapload of deleting, copying and pasting, and re-writing of code to push it out before the deadline.

In total, the program consisted of approximately 53 files. 25 seperate flash files, 25 exported swfs, 1 PHP script, 1 XML file and finally the index page exported to HTML.
The PHP script was for a feedback page which doesn't function, mainly because it would require the program to be hosted on an actual PHP server. The XML file was for the photo gallery.
I'd say this program doesn't show my potential at all, but then I wonder, maybe this is it. Maybe this is what I'm capable of... I don't know.

The documentation also took a massive hit. It needed to be hand drawn and scanned. I didn't know this, and also have no avaliable scanners around to make use of. so I had to just draw things in Microsoft Word as a substitute. It's an "initiative approach" but it still sucks. My creation documentation was almost over in the word limit. I think I was off by about 1 word so I had to trim and cut ot the chase with much of the document.

All in all, this project isn't one I'm too proud of looking back on it. Alot more could have, and should have been done with it.

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