Friday 19 November 2010

Flash Assignment Progress #3

I'm a lazy bugger, aren't I?

I woke up really late today, around 6pm. I haven't really had the mentality to do any work so I've been lazing about in bed and playing games all day. It's bad, I know. I didn't even finish off the introduction like I wanted to yesterday because I let my focus drift away. Instead, I ended up browsing a few technology sites and going to bed.

I let my depression take over again today and just couldn't bring myself to get out of bed. When I did, that drive to do work just wouldn't materialize. I should really just buck up and do this because the amount of work I have to do is piling, plus the fact that I remembered I have tests coming up and need to space out enough time to revise. My timings have to be picture perfect or else I'll be screwed.

Oh depression, how I loathe you.

I really do wish I had my own place...

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