Wednesday 8 July 2009

CS3: Vector Images/Cartoon Style

So, on the subject of this cartoon style image i've been trying to achive, I may of found a way, but pretty time consuming way of doing so.

Open up Photoshop (of course) then get your image.

Duplicate the layer, change this duplicated layer to colour dodge, then press ctrl+I
Go to filter>Blur>Gassian Blur and change it to 7.0
Now go to layer>new adjustment layer>threshold
Press ok and change the threshold to 234
Create a new layer
change the blending mode of this layer to multiply
Select your brush and a colour that most matches your skin colour then colour it in
Do the Face first, then the lips and finally the hair. If there's any clothing colour that in too.
Sometimes the lines don't appear around some of your features (it happened for one side of my tee). If this happens, hide all the layers from being visable (by clicking the eye next to the layer) except your original picture. Make sure your layer for colouring is still selected though and carefully brush over it.
One done, zoom in and check for any small areas you may have missed out.
If you want, cut out the background and use the paintbucket tool to make a different background depending on your preference. Add a border or stroke to finish
That should do it.

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